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42 days to a better body

Build your ideal body now!



DAY 14

DAY 28

DAY 42

It's time to break your beliefs

You'll be surprised what you're capable of in 6 weeks!


If you're sick of going through the motions at the gym and not seeing results.. Guess what?! There is a better way!

At Studio Athletica we are obsessed with helping everyday gym goers reach their full potential with no contracts, no tricks, just massive value and support so that you reach your goals, guaranteed.


Now has never been a better time for a structured plan to get you back on track. We do it all by teaching you one-on-one how to train more effectively and uploading your entire training plan via our hybrid app so that you can crush it in and out of our studio every day of the week.


You can get there

Progressing in the world of iron can actually be much easier than you might think. It really comes down to knowledge and preparation.


Many people simply don't know the correct steps to take or when to take them.


Learn from someone who has been there, many times over. All the trial and error has been done for you, so all you need to do is follow our 3 phase roadmap.

Support you can count on

At Studio Athletica we ensure that you have support in every aspect from training in and out of the studio, a dietitian prepared meal plan specific to you and your goals, accountability and supplements. 


We even have our own hybrid app for use in and out of our studio that manages your whole fitness journey, feeds you with extra workouts and tracks your progress.


Everything you need is right here.


We have opened up just 10 spots for our 6 week challenge - they will rapidly fill! 

secure your spot now

the program ingredients to ensure your success

The Training
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In-depth personalised training program unique to you developed by head trainer Christopher Klarich 
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Keep your gym membership with free access to the Studio Athletica hybrid training app. We manage your entire training program in and out of our studio, provide online support and attack any movement dysfunctions with online mobility drills and stretching routines.
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Private studio training - All sessions are booked one-on-one with a trainer. So it's the ideal environment for beginners, those that feel self conscious in a busy gym or those who just dislike overcrowding
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Different programs each session to keep it fresh!  
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Complete bio-mechanical analysis to determine optimal body movement with correction plan if needed 
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No ongoing contracts! Like the rest of our family, Studio Athletica Members have NO CONTRACT  
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Behavioural Diet Plan (carbohydrates included) you can actually follow, specific to you and your lifestyle developed by a certified Dietitian (if you don't know the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian you must Google it)
Dietitian on hand if you have any questions or concerns with your diet 
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Diet Exit strategy
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EHP Labs supplement stack to help you burn fat and get results
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Multi-faceted Accountability Plan so you actually get there
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One-on-one training sessions with an experienced Personal Trainer
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Accountability Coach on hand everyday with scheduled phone calls
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Short and long term goal setting
Measurements, body fat testing and before and after photos to track your progress
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Daily nutrition compliance
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Sign up on our full plan and we offer a guarantee that you will reach your agreed goal in 6 weeks. If you don't, training is on us completely free until you do.
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8 Week Dual Phase Exit Strategy including workout plan, reverse diet and lean muscle mass plan so that you can stay in shape year round. 

Studio Athletica is a private training studio with a reputation built on experience. No need to fight over a bench or the squat rack with another 50 sweaty members.


All training sessions are booked by appointment only, with one-on-one trainer attention so that we bring you a next level service you just can't find in a membership based gym.

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Save yourself years of costly trial and error

Why wing it? Don't struggle along with another fad diet, running yourself into the ground trying to figure things out.


Leave it to the experts and get a structured plan of attack designed to unapologetically rid your body of unwanted winter cushioning.

Save time and effort by drawing on our experience and support network.


EHP Labs Allstar athlete Christopher Klarich is head trainer and owner of Studio Athletica. He has combined decades of training experience to develop a plan that yields results in just 6 weeks.


Using his 3 tier system of training, nutrition and accountability, we can not only transform your body in time for summer but also transform your way of thinking to develop a better more sustainable and ever improving physique. 

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the hybrid app

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  • Customised online training plan.


  • Track stats and workouts.


  • Dietitian prepared food plan specific to you and your eating habits.


  • In-app messaging with your trainer.


  • Workouts with video and instructions.


  • Follow your progress.


  • Sync your MyFitnessPal and track all your food intake.





At Studio Athletica we show you exactly what's required to reach your fitness goals and how to stay there. With our support on every front;


  • Training 

  • Nutrition

  • Accountability 


YOU are GUARANTEED to get there this time!


But, YOU need to make a move now! Spots are capped at 10, secure YOUR spot right now by leaving your details below.


Let's get abs this year!


Christopher Klarich, 

Studio Athletica Director.

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100% Secure. We Never Share Your Email.

© 2020 Studio Athletica

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